Honoring Widows

Honoring Widows

As a matter of fact, all divine religions order honoring widows and prohibit oppressing them. W ...

Your Illustrated Guide to Hijab in the Modern Western History

Your Illustrated Guide to Hijab in the Modern Western History

With historical evidence, women used to observe hijab (both as head veil and decency) even in t ...

Six Articles of Muslim Faith and Five Pillars of Islam in Bible (2/2)

Six Articles of Muslim Faith and Five Pillars of Islam in Bible (2/2)

The five pillars of Islam, namely testimony of faith, prayer, alms-giving, fasting and pilgrima ...

Six Articles of Muslim Faith and Five Pillars of Islam in Bible (1/2)

Six Articles of Muslim Faith and Five Pillars of Islam in Bible (1/2)

The six articles of the Muslim faith, namely belief in God, Angels, Scriptures, Prophets, Judgm ...

Woman Creation from Man

Woman Creation from Man

Woman’s presumable crookedness is not deemed a justification for woman abuse but rather a reaso ...

Islam Was the Religion of Adam and Noah, a Jewish Rabbi Says

Islam Was the Religion of Adam and Noah, a Jewish Rabbi Says

Watch this video to know how Islam was the fundamental religion and how it was the religion of ...

Hijab (Veil) between the Bible and the Qur’an

Hijab (Veil) between the Bible and the Qur’an

Hijab was made incumbent by all divine messages, including Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Hij ...

Khamr (Intoxicants) between Islam and Christianity

Khamr (Intoxicants) between Islam and Christianity

Khamr (intoxicants) is prohibited in crystal clear terms according to the Qur’an, Prophet Muham ...